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Peace conferences
Languages: French - English

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Develop self-awareness and the consequences of our behavior to access peace

It seems accepted today that Peace starts from each of us and that it goes through a better awareness of oneself and the impact of our behavior on others.

War is the exacerbated expression of all the toxicities in which we are immersed on a daily basis.

Instead of considering others as responsible, projecting our own filters onto them   and judging them, it is good to take an objective look at oneself and get out of our own denials and mental justifications and to do that, to dare to face our unconscious emotions, beliefs and behaviors.

Campaigning for peace and taking action to restore peace in regions at war is essential and really makes sense if we simultaneously question our own actions in order to behave in an ethical and respectful way with our friends, in our family and professional environment, in all the interactions we have with others on a daily basis.


However, this is possible if we manage to understand the functioning of our mind, of our ego, which creates separation and constantly struggles to assert itself and survive. To be more, to have more, to want to be right necessarily implies that the other must be or have less, or be wrong. This perpetual power struggle of the ego is the cradle of all conflict.


By learning how to manage our emotions and recognize them, we can transform the anger and despair created by suffering and injustice. Welcome the pain, without it turning into suffering.


By understanding how our thoughts and minds work, and ceasing to identify with them, we can access the self-awareness that ends the struggle and replaces fear and pain, with the inner peace necessary for the development of life and of a harmonious and peaceful society.


Why are dialogue and inclusion essential to peace processes?

Should extremists, dictature responsible for far crimes, our enemies be excluded from the negotiating table? 

What is the emotional impact of exclusion and what risk does it present for the search for peaceful resolutions to conflicts? 


It is by including all the protagonists around the table, even the most extreme, by listening to them without judgement, to understand their beliefs, their unspoken fears and their conditioning, that a link can be created.

An essential link for the construction of peace. 

A much needed openness allowing the beginning of a real dialogue.

The absence of war is not enough. A vision of true and lasting peace passes through non-alienation and humility, the recognition of the other, of his existence, of his situation and of his sufferings, without projection of our own reality or of our own "truth".

To be stable and hold in the long term, peace can be achieved by creating, among other things, ethical commercial ties and diplomatic ties between the parties.

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